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Technical Data

RIGID: Your Unique Micro DC Air Conditioner Supplier

RIGID Micro DC Aircon is a compact solution for small & confined space cooling, such as cabins, cuddy cabins, and electric vehicles, etc. The mobile A/C unit runs on power DC 12V/24V/ 48V, easily connecting to challenging confined spaces and extremely hot ambient!

This micro dc aircon is a sub-system that can be easily integrated into the customer’s system and device. And its smallest footprint and lightest weight make it a perfect match for their compact space cooling. The portable Micro DC A/C is often used in small spaces such as RVs, vans, boats, camper trailers, vehicles, tents, and portable coolers, as well as for cooling electronic equipment and telecommunications systems. They can be powered by batteries or through a DC power source such as batteries, DC power, and solar power and are designed to be compact, lightweight, and easy to install.

RIGID Micro DC Air conditioner unit (DC stands for direct current) built with a BLDC (brushless direct current) miniature vapor compressor is a type of small-scale air conditioning system that uses a compact and energy-efficient compressor. The BLDC mini compressor is driven by an electric motor that uses direct current and doesn’t have the mechanical brushes that generate friction, heat, and wear in traditional AC (alternating current) motors. This results in improved energy efficiency, lower noise, and longer lifespan compared to traditional AC compressors.


RIGID Micro DC Aircon is a compact solution for small & confined space cooling, such as cabins, cuddy cabins, and electric vehicles, etc. The mobile A/C unit runs on power DC 12V/24V/ 48V, easily connecting to challenging confined spaces and extremely hot ambient!

This micro dc aircon is a sub-system that can be easily integrated into the customer’s system and device. And its smallest footprint and lightest weight make it a perfect match for their compact space cooling. The portable Micro DC A/C is often used in small spaces such as RVs, vans, boats, camper trailers, vehicles, tents, and portable coolers, as well as for cooling electronic equipment and telecommunications systems. They can be powered by batteries or through a DC power source such as batteries, DC power, and solar power and are designed to be compact, lightweight, and easy to install.

RIGID Micro DC Air conditioner unit (DC stands for direct current) built with a BLDC (brushless direct current) miniature vapor compressor is a type of small-scale air conditioning system that uses a compact and energy-efficient compressor. The BLDC mini compressor is driven by an electric motor that uses direct current and doesn’t have the mechanical brushes that generate friction, heat, and wear in traditional AC (alternating current) motors. This results in improved energy efficiency, lower noise, and longer lifespan compared to traditional AC compressors.

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RIGID Micro DC Aircon is a compact solution for small & confined space cooling, such as cabins, cuddy cabins, and electric vehicles, etc. The mobile A/C unit runs on power DC 12V/24V/ 48V, easily connecting to challenging confined spaces and extremely hot ambient!

This micro dc aircon is a sub-system that can be easily integrated into the customer’s system and device. And its smallest footprint and lightest weight make it a perfect match for their compact space cooling. The portable Micro DC A/C is often used in small spaces such as RVs, vans, boats, camper trailers, vehicles, tents, and portable coolers, as well as for cooling electronic equipment and telecommunications systems. They can be powered by batteries or through a DC power source such as batteries, DC power, and solar power and are designed to be compact, lightweight, and easy to install.




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